Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sketchdump Sunday~♥

When I'm bored, I give out art on avatar forums. Here's a few from Saturday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Semester...

September 1st was my first day of classes of my Junior year. I only have classes three days a week, which is pretty good. Classes seem to go by faster when you have them every other day. Usually I get the 'first day of school' butterflies, but it didn't happen till the morning of. Getting ready took a little longer than expected, so I left later than I wanted to. So much for arriving early! ^o^'

 I was running so late! I had just enough time to get there, and park. However, parking at my college is HORRIBLE! So many students commute, like me, so parking has been an issue as long as I've been there. Plus, I also hit traffic. It was 9:30am, and there was still traffic! D; And my first class is at 10am... because I'm so not a morning person.

I was running out of gas (man, I was so unprepared!), so I stopped for gas before heading to the lots. As predicted, parking was all taken. I went through all the lots, and yet- nothing! I was panicking, I've never been late on a first day! One of the guards ending up opening one of the lots again, since some people began leaving. I parked my car and ran to class. I was 15min. late! TToTT It was my own fault though, I should have came early...

I only have four classes this semester. I wanted five, maybe six, but the Psychology seminars filled up fast or and other classes- the times didn't fit into my schedule. Makes me worry I won't get all my credits done in time!

The professors seem nice. A couple are funny. The biggest bummers are: 1. Textbooks costs and 2. None of my friends are in my classes. Like, a couple faces I recognize, but others- no clue. And, unfortunately, I had drama with one kid in one class. We worked on a group project together, a year ago. I was the only one who didn't leave everything to the last minute, and the others didn't know what the hell they were doing. D; The presentation was so embarrassing since it was clear we all weren't on the same page. It was an upper level psych course, yet everyone in that group wasn't in the major! I mean, really. He totally recognized me though, and sat far away from me- HA!

It was WAY too hot outside Wednesday. I nearly roasted! I swear I thought my make-up was going to melt off. No AC was on in any of the buildings. And I had a lot of walking to do.  My feet still hurt from the poor choice in sandals I chose to wear. XD I sneaked off to my car during my break to go to my car, where I ate my packed lunch so I could use the AC. So refreshing!

I have class Friday too. Only three though, as one of my total four is only two days a week. I have a 3 hour gap in my schedule. Unfortunately I still have to go in at 10AM, so I can't sleep in. And none of my friends have a break then either. I'm gonna be so bored~ D; Hopefully it won't be so hot!
